Author Archives: Heidi Alleyne

I am a champion/Lose It App

lose it logoAs you may or may not know, I joined a weight loss competition back in January and I’m happy to report I won!! I used an App called “Lose It”, it’s free in the app store. I’m embarrassed to say I hardly worked out, unless you count shoveling snow. I lost 25 pounds in about 2 months. I literally told “lose it” what my weight was at the time and the weight (goal weight) I wanted to be and it told me eat this many calories and you will lose your weight by bla bla date, people it worked.  I just thought I would share this quickly for anyone interested in losing weight through cutting calories. In my next post I will go deeper into the foods I ate and the functionality of the app. In the meantime, check it out and good luck on your weight loss journey!

The Weight Loss Competition

IMG_3410Without fail, at some point in the year I fall off the fitness wagon and pack on some extra weight and inevitably find myself joining a crazy weight loss competition A couple of years ago we held one at my job and if you didn’t meet your goal you had to eat dog food in front of everyone in the conference room.  Yes, I am aware that’s nuts but better believe everyone in that competition lost that weight.  And yes maybe some people did some questionable things to lose the weight, but no one (me) wanted to eat dog food.   Well it’s 2014 and I’m back at it. This time there’s no dire circumstance to avoid at the end except for feeling like an underachiever and losing some money.  We have two months to lose weight and the person with the highest percentage of weight loss wins.  I have to say that I’m a fierce competitor and I do not like to lose, therefore competitions are right up my alley.  This competition is full of smack talkers, losing is not an option for me, I am in full beast mode.  I decided to check the Carbofix reviews to see if this product was gonna work for me, and i think it will, I also picked to go the low calorie way of dropping weight and I’m using this ap called “Lose It”, it’s pretty cool.  You set a goal and it tells you when you will achieve it.  You record your weight and calories consumed per day and it allows you to monitor your intake so you stay within your calorie allotment. I also started following some fitness minded Instergrammers to keep my head in the game.  My strategy is pretty simple, I’m eating low carb, low sugar, drinking only water, lots of veggies and then finishing out the competition’s last weeks with intense fat burning cardio.  Well peeps that’s what’s up with me right now, I will let you know how baggy my clothes get by D day.   Let me know if you are in any crazy weight loss competitions, and if you are, Good Luck!

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